ResourceAllocation (type) (Deprecated)

  "deprecated": true, 
  "description": "Specify limit, shares and reservation for all kinds of traffic. Values for limit and reservation are expressed in percentage. And for shares, the value is expressed as a number between 1-100. The overall reservation among all traffic types should not exceed 75%. Otherwise, the API request will be rejected.", 
  "id": "ResourceAllocation", 
  "module_id": "NiocProfile", 
  "nsx_feature": "Nioc", 
  "properties": {
    "limit": {
      "default": -1.0, 
      "description": "The limit property specifies the maximum bandwidth allocation for a given traffic type and is expressed in percentage. The default value for this field is set to -1 which means the traffic is unbounded for the traffic type. All other negative values for this property is not supported and will be rejected by the API.", 
      "maximum": 100, 
      "minimum": -1, 
      "required": true, 
      "title": "Maximum bandwidth percentage", 
      "type": "number"
    "reservation": {
      "default": 0.0, 
      "maximum": 75, 
      "minimum": 0, 
      "required": true, 
      "title": "Minimum guaranteed bandwidth percentage", 
      "type": "number"
    "shares": {
      "default": 50, 
      "maximum": 100, 
      "minimum": 1, 
      "required": true, 
      "title": "Shares", 
      "type": "int"
    "traffic_type": {
      "$ref": "HostInfraTrafficType, 
      "required": true, 
      "title": "Resource allocation traffic type"
  "title": "Resource allocation information for a host infrastructure traffic type", 
  "type": "object"