FirewallIdentityStoreSyncRequest (schema)

Firewall identity store synchronization request

Name Description Type Notes
action Sync type requested

Sync type could be either FULL sync or DELTA sync.
The full sync fetches all the objects under the
configured sync nodes while delta sync will get
the changed objects from previous sync time.
FULL_SYNC - Perform a full synchronization, where the local
state of all AD objects is updated.
DELTA_SYNC - Perform a delta synchronization, where local
AD objects that have changed since the last
synchronization are updated.
STOP_SYNC - Stop the synchronization process.
string Required
delay Request to execute the sync with some delay in seconds

The delay can be added to execute the sync action in the future.
integer Minimum: 0
Default: "0"
enforcement_point_path String Path of the enforcement point

enforcement point path, forward slashes must be escaped using %2F.