IdfwUserSessionData (schema)

Identity Firewall user session data on client machine

Identity Firewall user session data on a client machine (typically a VM).
Multiple entries for the same user can be returned if the user logins to
multiple sessions on the same VM.
Name Description Type Notes
domain_name AD Domain

AD Domain of user.
string Required
id User session data Identifier

Identifier of user session data.
string Readonly
login_time Login time

Login time.
EpochMsTimestamp Required
logout_time Logout time if applicable

Logout time if applicable. An active user session has no logout time.
Non-active user session is stored (up to last 5 most recent entries) per
VM and per user.
session_source Source for the user session

User session source can be one of:
- GI (Guest Introspection)
- ELS (AD Event log server)
- LI (Log Insight)
string Readonly
Enum: GI, ELS, LI
user_id AD user ID (may not exist)

AD user ID (may not exist).
string Readonly
user_name AD user name

AD user name.
string Required
user_session_id User session ID

User session ID. This also indicates whether this is VDI / RDSH.
int Required
vm_ext_id Virtual machine external ID or BIOS UUID

Virtual machine (external ID or BIOS UUID) where login/logout events occurred.
string Required