LBHttpRequestUriArgumentsCondition (schema) (Deprecated)

Condition to match URI arguments of HTTP requests

This condition is used to match URI arguments aka query string of Http
request messages, for example, in URI, the
"foo=1&bar=2" is the query string containing URI arguments. In an URI
scheme, query string is indicated by the first question mark ("?")
character and terminated by a number sign ("#") character or by the end of
the URI.
The uri_arguments field can be specified as a regular expression(Set
match_type to REGEX). For example, "foo=(?<x>\d+)". It matches HTTP
requests whose URI arguments containing "foo", the value of foo contains
only digits. And the value of foo is captured as $x which can be used in
LBRuleAction fields which support variables.
Name Description Type Notes
case_sensitive A case sensitive flag for URI arguments comparing

If true, case is significant when comparing URI arguments.
boolean Default: "True"
inverse A flag to indicate whether reverse the match result of this condition boolean Default: "False"
match_type Match type of URI arguments LbRuleMatchType Default: "REGEX"
type Must be set to the value LBHttpRequestUriArgumentsCondition LBRuleConditionType Required
uri_arguments URI arguments

URI arguments, aka query string of URI.
string Required