NicMetadata (schema)

NIC Metadata

Information on the Network interfaces present on the partner appliance that needs to be configured by the NSX Manager.
Name Description Type Notes
interface_index Interface Index

Network Interface index.
integer Required
Minimum: 0
interface_label Interface label

Network Interface label.
string Required
interface_type Interface type

Interface that needs to be configured on the partner appliance. Ex. MANAGEMENT, DATA1, DATA2, HA1, HA2, CONTROL.
string Required
transports Transport Type

Transport Type of the service, which is the mechanism of redirecting the traffic to the the partner appliance. Transport type is required if Service caters to any functionality other than EPP and MPS. Here, the transports array specifies the kinds of transport where this particular NIC is user configurable. If nothing is specified, and the "user_configurable" flag is true, then user configuration will be allowed for all transports. If any transport is/are specified, then it will be considered as user configurable for the specified transports only."
array of string Enum: L2_BRIDGE, L3_ROUTED, NSH
Minimum items: 0
Maximum items: 3
user_configurable Required Configuration

Used to specify if the given interface needs configuration. Management nics will always need the configuration, for others it will be use case specific. For example, a DATA NIC may be user configurable if the appliance is deployed in certain mode, such as L3_ROUTED.