PolicyIdsEventsBySignature (schema)

Detcted intrusions grouped by signature

Intrusions that are detected, grouped by signature. It contains the signature id,
severity, name, the number of intrusions of that type and the first occurence.
Name Description Type Notes
count Number of times signature was seen

Number of times this particular signature was detected.
integer Readonly
first_occurence First occurence of the intrusion

First occurence of the intrusion, in epoch milliseconds.
EpochMsTimestamp Readonly
is_ongoing Flag indicating an ongoing intrusion

Flag indicating an ongoing intrusion.
boolean Readonly
resource_type IDSEvent resource type

IDSEvent resource type.
string Required
severity Severity of the signature

Severity of the threat covered by the signature, can be Critical, High, Medium, or Low.
string Readonly
signature_id Signature ID

Signature ID pertaining to the detected intrusion.
integer Readonly
signature_name Name of the signature

Name of the signature pertaining to the detected intrusion.
string Readonly
traffic_type IDS event detection source

The source where the intrusion was detected. Possible values are GATEWAY and HOST.
string Readonly