PolicyIdsEventsSummary (schema)

Intrusions with event and signature data

Intrusion event with all the event and signature details, each event
contains the signature id, name, severity, first and recent occurence,
users and VMs affected and other signature metadata.
Name Description Type Notes
affected_ip_count Count of workload IPs this signature was detected on

Count of workload IPs on which a particular signature was detected.
integer Readonly
affected_vm_count Count of VMs this signature was detected on

Count of VMs on which a particular signature was detected.
integer Readonly
first_occurence First occurence of the intrusion

First occurence of the intrusion, in epoch milliseconds.
EpochMsTimestamp Readonly
ids_flow_details IDS event flow data details

IDS event flow data specific to each IDS event. The data includes source ip, source port, destination ip, destination port, and protocol.
object Readonly
is_ongoing Flag indicating an ongoing intrusion

Flag indicating an ongoing intrusion.
boolean Readonly
is_rule_valid Is the rule id valid

Indicates if the rule id is valid or not.
boolean Readonly
latest_occurence Latest occurence of the intrusion

Latest occurence of the intrusion, in epoch milliseconds.
EpochMsTimestamp Readonly
resource_type IDSEvent resource type

IDSEvent resource type.
string Required
rule_id IDS Rule id of detected intrusion

The IDS Rule id that detected this particular intrusion.
integer Readonly
signature_id Signature ID

Signature ID pertaining to the detected intrusion.
integer Readonly
signature_metadata Metadata about the detected signature

Metadata about the detected signature including name, id, severity, product affected, protocol etc.
object Readonly
total_count Number of occurrences of this signature

Number of times this particular signature was detected.
integer Readonly
user_details List of users on the affected VMs

List of users logged into VMs on which a particular signature was detected.
object Readonly
vm_details List of VMs this signature was seen

List of VMs on which a particular signature was detected with the count.
object Readonly