PolicyInterfaceOspfConfig (schema)

OSPF Interface configuration

OSPF Interface configuration.
Name Description Type Notes
bfd_path Policy path of BFD profile

This filed is valid only if enable_bfd is set to TRUE.
If enable_bfd flag is set to TRUE, this profile will be applied to all OSPF peers in this interface.
If this field is empty, bfd_path will refer to Tier-0 global BFD profile.
dead_interval OSPF dead interval in seconds

Specifies the number of seconds that router must wait before it declares
a OSPF neighbor router down because it has not received OSPF hello packet.
OSPF dead interval should be minimum 3 times greater than the hello interval
int Minimum: 3
Maximum: 65535
Default: "40"
enable_bfd enable BFD for OSPF

Enable/Disable OSPF to register for BFD event. Use FALSE to disable BFD.
enabled enable/disable OSPF

enable/disable OSPF on the interface. If enabled flag not specified, defailt is enable OSPF.
boolean Default: "True"
hello_interval OSPF hello interval in seconds

Specifies the interval between the hello packets that OSPF sends on this interface.
OSPF hello interval should be less than the dead interval
int Minimum: 1
Maximum: 21845
Default: "10"
network_type Configure OSPF networkt type

Configure OSPF networkt type, default is BROADCAST network type
string Enum: BROADCAST, P2P
Default: "BROADCAST"
ospf_area Attach Tier0 Interface to specified OSPF Area

Attache Tier0 Interface to specified OSPF Area.
all peers.
string Required