PortMirrorFilter (schema)

Name Description Type Notes
destination_ips Destination IP used to filter packets

Destination IP in the form of IPAddresses, used to match the destination IP of a packet. If not provided, no filtering by destination IPs is performed.
destination_ports Destination port or port range used to filter packets

Destination port in the form of a port or port range, used to match the destination port of a packet. If not provided, no filtering by destination port is performed.
protocol The protocol used to filter packets.

The transport protocols of TCP or UDP, used to match the transport protocol of a packet. If not provided, no filtering by IP protocols is performed.
string Enum: TCP, UDP
source_ips Source IP used to filter packets

Source IP in the form of IPAddresses, used to match the source IP of a packet. If not provided, no filtering by source IPs is performed.
source_ports Source port or port range used to filter packets

Source port in the form of a port or port range, used to match the source port of a packet. If not provided, no filtering by source port is performed.