RuleStatistics (schema)

Name Description Type Notes
_links References related to this resource

The server will populate this field when returing the resource. Ignored on PUT and POST.
array of ResourceLink Readonly
_schema Schema for this resource string Readonly
_self Link to this resource SelfResourceLink Readonly
byte_count Bytes count

Aggregated number of bytes processed by the rule.
integer Readonly
hit_count Hits count

Aggregated number of hits received by the rule.
integer Readonly
internal_rule_id NSX internal rule id

Realized id of the rule on NSX MP. Policy Manager can create more than
one rule per policy rule, in which case this identifier helps to
distinguish between the multple rules created.
string Readonly
l7_accept_count L7 Accept count

Aggregated number of L7 Profile Accepted counters received by the rule.
integer Readonly
l7_reject_count L7 Reject count

Aggregated number of L7 Profile Rejected counters received by the rule.
integer Readonly
l7_reject_with_response_count L7 Reject with response count

Aggregated number of L7 Profile Rejected with Response counters received by the rule.
integer Readonly
lr_path Logical Router (Tier-0/Tier1) path

Path of the LR on which the section is applied in case of Edge FW.
string Readonly
max_popularity_index The maximum popularity index

Maximum value of popularity index of all rules of the type.
This is aggregated statistic which are computed with lower
frequency compared to individual generic rule statistics.
It may have a computation delay up to 15 minutes in response
to this API.
integer Readonly
max_session_count Maximum Sessions count

Maximum value of sessions count of all rules of the type.
This is aggregated statistic which are computed with lower
frequency compared to generic rule statistics. It may have
a computation delay up to 15 minutes in response to this API.
integer Readonly
packet_count Packets count

Aggregated number of packets processed by the rule.
integer Readonly
popularity_index The index of the popularity of rule

This is calculated by sessions count divided by age of the rule.
integer Readonly
rule Rule path

Path of the rule.
string Readonly
session_count sessions count

Aggregated number of sessions processed by the rule.
integer Readonly
total_session_count Total Sessions count

Aggregated number of sessions processed by all the rules
This is aggregated statistic which are computed with lower
frequency compared to individual generic rule statistics.
It may have a computation delay up to 15 minutes in
response to this API.
integer Readonly