SegmentAdvancedConfig (schema)

Advanced configuration for Segment

Name Description Type Notes
address_pool_paths Policy path to IP address pools

Policy path to IP address pools.
array of string Maximum items: 1
connectivity Connectivity configuration

Connectivity configuration to manually connect (ON) or disconnect (OFF)
Tier-0/Tier1 segment from corresponding gateway.
This property does not apply to VLAN backed segments. VLAN backed segments
with connectivity OFF does not affect its layer-2 connectivity.
string Enum: ON, OFF
Default: "ON"
hybrid Flag to identify a hybrid logical switch

When set to true, all the ports created on this segment will behave
in a hybrid fashion. The hybrid port indicates to NSX that the
VM intends to operate in underlay mode, but retains the ability to
forward egress traffic to the NSX overlay network.
This property is only applicable for segment created with transport
This property cannot be modified after segment is created.
boolean Default: "False"
inter_router Flag to indicate if the logical switch will provide inter-router connectivity

When set to true, any port attached to this logical switch will
not be visible through VC/ESX UI
boolean Default: "False"
local_egress Flag to enable local egress

This property is used to enable proximity routing with local egress.
When set to true, logical router interface (downlink) connecting
Segment to Tier0/Tier1 gateway is configured with prefix-length 32.
boolean Default: "False"
local_egress_routing_policies Local egress routing policies

An ordered list of routing policies to forward traffic to the next hop.
array of LocalEgressRoutingEntry Minimum items: 1
multicast Enable multicast on the downlink

Enable multicast on the downlink LRP created to connect the segment to
Tier0/Tier1 gateway.
ndra_profile_path Policy path of Neighbor Discovery Router Advertisement profile

This profile is applie dto the downlink logical router port created
while attaching this semgnet to tier-0 or tier-1. If this field is
empty, NDRA profile of the router is applied to the newly created
node_local_switch Prevent BUM (broadcast, unknown-unicast and multicast) traffic from reaching the other spanned edges

A behaviour required for Firewall As A Service (FaaS) where the segment BUM traffic
is confined within the edge node that this segment belongs to.
origin_id ID of the discovered Segment representing a network managed by non-NSX entity.

ID populated by NSX when NSX on DVPG is used to indicate the source DVPG. Currently, only DVPortgroups are identified as Discovered Segments. The origin_id is the identifier of DVPortgroup from the source vCenter server.
origin_type The DVPortgroup origin type

The type of source from where the DVPortgroup is discovered
string Enum: VCENTER
uplink_teaming_policy_name Uplink Teaming Policy Name

The name of the switching uplink teaming policy for the Segment. This name corresponds to one of the switching uplink teaming policy names listed in TransportZone associated with the Segment. See transport_zone_path property above for more details. When this property is not specified, the segment will not have a teaming policy associated with it and the host switch's default teaming policy will be used by MP.
urpf_mode Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding mode

This URPF mode is applied to the downlink logical router port created
while attaching this segment to tier-0 or tier-1.
string Enum: NONE, STRICT
Default: "STRICT"