SegmentSubnet (schema)

Subnet configuration for segment

Name Description Type Notes
dhcp_config Additional DHCP configuration

Additional DHCP configuration for current subnet.
(Abstract type: pass one of the following concrete types)
dhcp_ranges DHCP address ranges for dynamic IP allocation

DHCP address ranges are used for dynamic IP allocation.
Supports address range and CIDR formats. First valid
host address from the first value is assigned to DHCP server
IP address. Existing values cannot be deleted or modified,
but additional DHCP ranges can be added.
array of IPElement Minimum items: 1
Maximum items: 99
gateway_address Gateway IP address.

Gateway IP address in CIDR format for both IPv4 and IPv6.
string Format: ip-cidr-block
network Network CIDR for subnet

Network CIDR for this subnet calculated from gateway_addresses and
string Readonly