pcoipGeneralStatistics | PcoipGeneralStatistics |
The general statistics about PCoIP session.
- This property need not be set.
- This property cannot be updated.
pcoipNetworkStatistics | PcoipNetworkStatistics |
The network statistics about PCoIP session.
- This property need not be set.
- This property cannot be updated.
pcoipUsbStatistics | PcoipUSBStatistics |
The USB statistics about PCoIP session.
- This property need not be set.
- This property cannot be updated.
pcoipAudioStatistics | PcoipAudioStatistics |
The audio statistics about PCoIP session.
- This property need not be set.
- This property cannot be updated.
pcoipImagingStatistics | PcoipImagingStatistics |
The imaging statistics about PCoIP session.
- This property need not be set.
- This property cannot be updated.