reclaimVmDiskSpace | xsd:boolean |
With vSphere 5.x, virtual machines can be configured to use a space
efficient disk format that supports reclamation of unused disk space
(such as deleted files). This option reclaims unused disk space on each
virtual machine. The operation is initiated when an estimate of used
disk space exceeds the specified threshold. vSphere 5.1 Patch1 or later
is required for this option.
This property has a default value of
reclamationThresholdGB | xsd:long |
Initiate reclamation when unused space on VM exceeds the threshold.
This property has a default value of
- This property need not be set.
This property has a minimum value of 0.
This property is required if
reclaimVmDiskSpace is set to
blackoutTimes | FarmBlackoutTime[] |
A list of blackout times. RDS Server disk space reclamation do not
occur during blackout times. If unset, no blackout times are used.
- This property need not be set.