BackupConfiguration (type)

  "additionalProperties": false, 
  "id": "BackupConfiguration", 
  "module_id": "BackupConfiguration", 
  "properties": {
    "after_inventory_update_interval": {
      "maximum": 86400, 
      "minimum": 300, 
      "required": false, 
      "title": "A number of seconds after a last backup, that needs to pass, before a topology change will trigger a generation of a new cluster/node backups. If parameter is not provided, then changes in a topology will not trigger a generation of cluster/node backups.", 
      "type": "integer"
    "backup_enabled": {
      "default": false, 
      "title": "true if automated backup is enabled", 
      "type": "boolean"
    "backup_schedule": {
      "$ref": "BackupSchedule, 
      "title": "Set when backups should be taken - on a weekly schedule or at regular intervals."
    "inventory_summary_interval": {
      "default": 240, 
      "maximum": 3600, 
      "minimum": 30, 
      "title": "The minimum number of seconds between each upload of the inventory summary to backup server.", 
      "type": "integer"
    "passphrase": {
      "description": "Passphrase used to encrypt backup files. The passphrase specified must be at least 8 characters in length and must contain at least one lowercase, one uppercase, one numeric character and one special character (any other non-space character).", 
      "pattern": "^$|^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\\d)(?=.*[^a-zA-Z\\d\\s]).{8,}$", 
      "sensitive": true, 
      "title": "Passphrase used to encrypt backup files.", 
      "type": "string", 
      "validation_msg_key": "com.vmware.nsx.validation.constraints.BackupRestore.weak_passprase.message"
    "remote_file_server": {
      "$ref": "RemoteFileServer, 
      "required": true, 
      "title": "The server to which backups will be sent."
  "title": "Configuration for taking manual/automated backup", 
  "type": "object"