{ "additionalProperties": false, "description": "DHCP ip-pool to define dynamic ip allocation ranges.", "extends": { "$ref": "IpAllocationBase }, "id": "DhcpIpPool", "module_id": "Dhcp", "properties": { "_create_time": { "$ref": "EpochMsTimestamp, "can_sort": true, "description": "Timestamp of resource creation", "readonly": true }, "_create_user": { "description": "ID of the user who created this resource", "readonly": true, "type": "string" }, "_last_modified_time": { "$ref": "EpochMsTimestamp, "can_sort": true, "description": "Timestamp of last modification", "readonly": true }, "_last_modified_user": { "description": "ID of the user who last modified this resource", "readonly": true, "type": "string" }, "_links": { "description": "The server will populate this field when returing the resource. Ignored on PUT and POST.", "items": { "$ref": "ResourceLink }, "readonly": true, "title": "References related to this resource", "type": "array" }, "_protection": { "description": "Protection status is one of the following: PROTECTED - the client who retrieved the entity is not allowed to modify it. NOT_PROTECTED - the client who retrieved the entity is allowed to modify it REQUIRE_OVERRIDE - the client who retrieved the entity is a super user and can modify it, but only when providing the request header X-Allow-Overwrite=true. UNKNOWN - the _protection field could not be determined for this entity.", "readonly": true, "title": "Indicates protection status of this resource", "type": "string" }, "_revision": { "description": "The _revision property describes the current revision of the resource. To prevent clients from overwriting each other's changes, PUT operations must include the current _revision of the resource, which clients should obtain by issuing a GET operation. If the _revision provided in a PUT request is missing or stale, the operation will be rejected.", "title": "Generation of this resource config", "type": "int" }, "_schema": { "readonly": true, "title": "Schema for this resource", "type": "string" }, "_self": { "$ref": "SelfResourceLink, "readonly": true, "title": "Link to this resource" }, "_system_owned": { "description": "Indicates system owned resource", "readonly": true, "type": "boolean" }, "allocation_ranges": { "description": "Ip-ranges to define dynamic ip allocation ranges.", "items": { "$ref": "IpPoolRange }, "required": true, "title": "Ip-ranges", "type": "array" }, "description": { "can_sort": true, "maxLength": 1024, "title": "Description of this resource", "type": "string" }, "display_name": { "can_sort": true, "description": "Defaults to ID if not set", "maxLength": 255, "title": "Identifier to use when displaying entity in logs or GUI", "type": "string" }, "error_threshold": { "default": 100, "description": "Error threshold. Alert will be raised if the pool usage reaches the given threshold.", "maximum": 100, "minimum": 80, "required": false, "title": "Error threshold, valid [80-100], default 100", "type": "integer" }, "gateway_ip": { "$ref": "IPAddress, "description": "Gateway ip address of the allocation.", "required": false, "title": "Gateway ip" }, "id": { "can_sort": true, "title": "Unique identifier of this resource", "type": "string" }, "lease_time": { "default": 86400, "description": "Lease time, in seconds, [60-(2^32-1)]. Default is 86400.", "maximum": 4294967295, "minimum": 60, "required": false, "title": "Lease time", "type": "integer" }, "options": { "$ref": "DhcpOptions, "description": "If an option is defined at server level and not configred at ip-pool/static-binding level, the option will be inherited to ip-pool/static-binding. If both define a same-code option, the option defined at ip-pool/static-binding level take precedence over that defined at server level.", "required": false, "title": "DHCP options" }, "resource_type": { "description": "The type of this resource.", "readonly": false, "type": "string" }, "tags": { "items": { "$ref": "Tag }, "maxItems": 30, "title": "Opaque identifiers meaningful to the API user", "type": "array" }, "warning_threshold": { "default": 80, "description": "Warning threshold. Alert will be raised if the pool usage reaches the given threshold.", "maximum": 80, "minimum": 50, "required": false, "title": "Warning threshold, valid [50-80], default 80", "type": "integer" } }, "title": "DHCP ip-pool", "type": "object" }