RouteMapEntrySet (type)

  "additionalProperties": false, 
  "id": "RouteMapEntrySet", 
  "module_id": "PolicyConnectivity", 
  "properties": {
    "as_path_prepend": {
      "description": "AS path prepend to influence route selection.", 
      "required": false, 
      "title": "AS path prepend to influence route selection", 
      "type": "string"
    "community": {
      "description": "Set BGP regular or large community for matching routes. A maximum of one value for each community type separated by space. Well-known community name, community value in aa:nn (2byte:2byte) format for regular community and community value in aa:bb:nn (4byte:4byte:4byte) format for large community are supported.", 
      "required": false, 
      "title": "Set BGP community", 
      "type": "string"
    "local_preference": {
      "default": 100, 
      "description": "Local preference indicates the degree of preference for one BGP route over other BGP routes. The path with highest local preference is preferred.", 
      "maximum": 4294967295, 
      "title": "Local preference to set for matching BGP routes", 
      "type": "integer"
    "med": {
      "description": "Multi exit descriminator (MED) is a hint to BGP neighbors about the preferred path into an autonomous system (AS) that has multiple entry points. A lower MED value is preferred over a higher value.", 
      "maximum": 4294967295, 
      "minimum": 0, 
      "required": false, 
      "title": "Multi exit descriminator", 
      "type": "int"
    "prefer_global_v6_next_hop": {
      "description": "For incoming and import route_maps on receiving both v6 global and v6 link-local address for the route, prefer to use the global address as the next hop. By default, it prefers the link-local next hop.", 
      "required": false, 
      "title": "Prefer global v6 next hop over local next hop", 
      "type": "boolean"
    "weight": {
      "description": "Weight is used to select a route when multiple routes are available to the same network. Route with the highest weight is preferred.", 
      "maximum": 65535, 
      "minimum": 0, 
      "required": false, 
      "title": "Weight used to select certain path", 
      "type": "int"
  "title": "Set criteria for route map entry", 
  "type": "object"