WhiteListProvisionType (type)

  "enum": [
  "help_detail": "LPORT_BINDINGS value indicates that address_bindings from Logical Port\nwill be consumed for spoof-guard feature.\nLSWITCH_BINDINGS value indicates that address_bindings from Logical Switch\nwill be consumed for spoof-guard feature.\nNOTE: LSWITCH_BINDINGS is marked deprecated and will be completely removed\nin upcoming releases. Similarly address_bindings from Logical Switch object\nis also marked deprecated and will be removed in upcoming releases.\nUser is recomended to only use address_bindings from Logial Port level and\nLPORT_BINDINGS option for spood-guard feature.\n", 
  "id": "WhiteListProvisionType", 
  "module_id": "SpoofGuardSwitchingProfile", 
  "title": "Ways to provide white listed addresses for SpoofGuard", 
  "type": "string"