ALBCompressionFilter (schema)


Advanced load balancer CompressionFilter object
Name Description Type Notes
devices_path Devices path

It is a reference to an object of type StringGroup.
index Index

Number of index.
integer Required
ip_addr_prefixes Ip addr prefixes

Placeholder for description of property ip_addr_prefixes of
obj type CompressionFilter field type str type array.
array of ALBIpAddrPrefix
ip_addr_ranges Ip addr ranges

Placeholder for description of property ip_addr_ranges of
obj type CompressionFilter field type str type array.
array of ALBIpAddrRange
ip_addrs Ip addrs

Placeholder for description of property ip_addrs of obj
type CompressionFilter field type str type array.
array of ALBIpAddr
ip_addrs_path Ip addrs path

It is a reference to an object of type IpAddrGroup.
level Level

Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as NORMAL_COMPRESSION.
ALBCompressionFilterLevel Required
match Match

Whether to apply Filter when group criteria is matched or
Enum options - IS_IN, IS_NOT_IN.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as IS_IN.
ALBMatchOperation Default: "IS_IN"
name Name

Name of the object.
string Required
user_agent User agent

Placeholder for description of property user_agent of obj
type CompressionFilter field type str type array.
array of string