ALBHTTPApplicationProfile (schema)


Advanced load balancer HTTPApplicationProfile object
Name Description Type Notes
allow_dots_in_header_name Allow dots in header name

Allow use of dot (.) in HTTP header names, for instance PickAppVersionX.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as false.
boolean Default: "False"
cache_config Cache config

HTTP Caching config to use with this HTTP Profile.
client_body_timeout Client body timeout

The maximum length of time allowed between consecutive read
operations for a client request body.
The value '0' specifies no timeout.
This setting generally impacts the length of time allowed
for a client to send a POST.
Allowed values are 0-100000000.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 30000.
integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 100000000
Default: "30000"
client_header_timeout Client header timeout

The maximum length of time allowed for a client to transmit
an entire request header.
This helps mitigate various forms of SlowLoris attacks.
Allowed values are 10-100000000.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 10000.
integer Minimum: 10
Maximum: 100000000
Default: "10000"
client_max_body_size Client max body size

Maximum size for the client request body.
This limits the size of the client data that can be
uploaded/posted as part of a single HTTP Request.
Default 0 => Unlimited.
Unit is KB.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 0.
integer Default: "0"
client_max_header_size Client max header size

Maximum size in Kbytes of a single HTTP header in the
client request.
Allowed values are 1-64.
Unit is KB.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 12.
integer Minimum: 1
Maximum: 64
Default: "12"
client_max_request_size Client max request size

Maximum size in Kbytes of all the client HTTP request
Allowed values are 1-256.
Unit is KB.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 48.
integer Minimum: 1
Maximum: 256
Default: "48"
compression_profile Compression profile

HTTP Compression settings to use with this HTTP Profile.
connection_multiplexing_enabled Connection multiplexing enabled

Allows HTTP requests, not just TCP connections, to be load
balanced across servers.
Proxied TCP connections to servers may be reused by
multiple clients to improve performance.
Not compatible with Preserve Client IP.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as true.
boolean Default: "True"
disable_keepalive_posts_msie6 Disable keepalive posts msie6

Disable keep-alive client side connections for older
browsers based off MS Internet Explorer 6.0 (MSIE6).
For some applications, this might break NTLM authentication
for older clients based off MSIE6.
For such applications, set this option to false to allow
keep-alive connections.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as true.
boolean Default: "True"
disable_sni_hostname_check Disable sni hostname check

Disable strict check between TLS servername and HTTP Host
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as false.
boolean Default: "False"
enable_chunk_merge Enable chunk merge

Enable chunk body merge for chunked transfer encoding
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as true.
boolean Default: "True"
enable_fire_and_forget Enable fire and forget

Enable support for fire and forget feature.
If enabled, request from client is forwarded to server even
if client prematurely closes the connection.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as false.
boolean Default: "False"
enable_request_body_buffering Enable request body buffering

Enable request body buffering for POST requests.
If enabled, max buffer size is set to lower of 32M or the
value (non-zero) configured in client_max_body_size.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as false.
boolean Default: "False"
enable_request_body_metrics Enable request body metrics

Enable HTTP request body metrics.
If enabled, requests from clients are parsed and relevant
statistics about them are gathered.
Currently, it processes HTTP POST requests with
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded or
multipart/form-data, and adds the number of detected
parameters to the l7_client.http_params_count.
This is an experimental feature and it may have performance
Use it when detailed information about the number of HTTP
POST parameters is needed, e.g.
for WAF sizing.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as false.
boolean Default: "False"
fwd_close_hdr_for_bound_connections Fwd close hdr for bound connections

Forward the Connection Close header coming from backend
server to the client if connection-switching is enabled,
front-end and backend connections are bound together.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as true.
boolean Default: "True"
hsts_enabled Hsts enabled

Inserts HTTP Strict-Transport-Security header in the HTTPS
HSTS can help mitigate man-in-the-middle attacks by telling
browsers that support HSTS that they should only access this
site via HTTPS.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as false.
boolean Default: "False"
hsts_max_age Hsts max age

Number of days for which the client should regard this
virtual service as a known HSTS host.
Allowed values are 0-10000.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 365.
integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 10000
Default: "365"
hsts_subdomains_enabled Hsts subdomains enabled

Insert the 'includeSubdomains' directive in the HTTP
Strict-Transport-Security header.
Adding the includeSubdomains directive signals the
User-Agent that the HSTS Policy applies to this HSTS Host as
well as any subdomains of the host's domain name.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as true.
boolean Default: "True"
http2_profile Http2 profile

Specifies the HTTP/2 specific application profile
http_to_https Http to https

Client requests received via HTTP will be redirected to
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as false.
boolean Default: "False"
http_upstream_buffer_size Http upstream buffer size

Size of HTTP buffer in kB.
Allowed values are 1-256.
Special values are 0- 'Auto compute the size of buffer'.
Unit is KB.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 0.
integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 256
Default: "0"
httponly_enabled Httponly enabled

Mark HTTP cookies as HTTPonly.
This helps mitigate cross site scripting attacks as
browsers will not allow these cookies to be read by third
parties, such as javascript.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as false.
boolean Default: "False"
keepalive_header Keepalive header

Send HTTP 'Keep-Alive' header to the client.
By default, the timeout specified in the 'Keep-Alive
Timeout' field will be used unless the 'Use App Keepalive
Timeout' flag is set, in which case the timeout sent by the
application will be honored.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as false.
boolean Default: "False"
keepalive_timeout Keepalive timeout

The max idle time allowed between HTTP requests over a
Keep-alive connection.
Allowed values are 10-100000000.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 30000.
integer Minimum: 10
Maximum: 100000000
Default: "30000"
max_bad_rps_cip Max bad rps cip

Maximum bad requests per second per client IP.
Allowed values are 10-1000.
Special values are 0- 'unlimited'.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 0.
integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 1000
Default: "0"
max_bad_rps_cip_uri Max bad rps cip uri

Maximum bad requests per second per client IP and URI.
Allowed values are 10-1000.
Special values are 0- 'unlimited'.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 0.
integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 1000
Default: "0"
max_bad_rps_uri Max bad rps uri

Maximum bad requests per second per URI.
Allowed values are 10-1000.
Special values are 0- 'unlimited'.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 0.
integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 1000
Default: "0"
max_keepalive_requests Max keepalive requests

The max number of HTTP requests that can be sent over a
Keep-Alive connection.
'0' means unlimited.
Allowed values are 0-1000000.
Special values are 0- 'Unlimited requests on a connection'.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 100.
integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 1000000
Default: "100"
max_response_headers_size Max response headers size

Maximum size in Kbytes of all the HTTP response headers.
Allowed values are 1-256.
Unit is KB.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 48.
integer Minimum: 1
Maximum: 256
Default: "48"
max_rps_cip Max rps cip

Maximum requests per second per client IP.
Allowed values are 10-1000.
Special values are 0- 'unlimited'.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 0.
integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 1000
Default: "0"
max_rps_cip_uri Max rps cip uri

Maximum requests per second per client IP and URI.
Allowed values are 10-1000.
Special values are 0- 'unlimited'.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 0.
integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 1000
Default: "0"
max_rps_unknown_cip Max rps unknown cip

Maximum unknown client IPs per second.
Allowed values are 10-1000.
Special values are 0- 'unlimited'.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 0.
integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 1000
Default: "0"
max_rps_unknown_uri Max rps unknown uri

Maximum unknown URIs per second.
Allowed values are 10-1000.
Special values are 0- 'unlimited'.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 0.
integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 1000
Default: "0"
max_rps_uri Max rps uri

Maximum requests per second per URI.
Allowed values are 10-1000.
Special values are 0- 'unlimited'.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 0.
integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 1000
Default: "0"
pki_profile_path Pki profile path

Select the PKI profile to be associated with the Virtual
This profile defines the Certificate Authority and
Revocation List.
It is a reference to an object of type PKIProfile.
post_accept_timeout Post accept timeout

The max allowed length of time between a client
establishing a TCP connection until Avi receives the first
byte of the client's HTTP request.
Allowed values are 10-100000000.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 30000.
integer Minimum: 10
Maximum: 100000000
Default: "30000"
reset_conn_http_on_ssl_port Reset conn http on ssl port

If enabled, an HTTP request on an SSL port will result in
connection close instead of a 400 response.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as false.
boolean Default: "False"
respond_with_100_continue Respond with 100 continue

Avi will respond with 100-Continue response if Expect
100-Continue header received from client.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as true.
boolean Default: "True"
secure_cookie_enabled Secure cookie enabled

Mark server cookies with the 'Secure' attribute.
Client browsers will not send a cookie marked as secure
over an unencrypted connection.
If Avi is terminating SSL from clients and passing it as
HTTP to the server, the server may return cookies without
the secure flag set.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as false.
boolean Default: "False"
server_side_redirect_to_https Server side redirect to https

When terminating client SSL sessions at Avi, servers may
incorrectly send redirect to clients as HTTP.
This option will rewrite the server's redirect responses
for this virtual service from HTTP to HTTPS.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as false.
boolean Default: "False"
ssl_client_certificate_action Ssl client certificate action

Set of match/action rules that govern what happens when the
client certificate request is enabled.
ssl_client_certificate_mode Ssl client certificate mode

Specifies whether the client side verification is set to
none, request or require.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as
use_app_keepalive_timeout Use app keepalive timeout

Use 'Keep-Alive' header timeout sent by application instead
of sending the HTTP Keep-Alive Timeout.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as false.
boolean Default: "False"
websockets_enabled Websockets enabled

Enable Websockets proxy for traffic from clients to the
virtual service.
Connections to this VS start in HTTP mode.
If the client requests an Upgrade to Websockets, and the
server responds back with success, then the connection is
upgraded to WebSockets mode.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as true.
boolean Default: "True"
x_forwarded_proto_enabled X forwarded proto enabled

Insert an X-Forwarded-Proto header in the request sent to
the server.
When the client connects via SSL, Avi terminates the SSL,
and then forwards the requests to the servers via HTTP, so
the servers can determine the original protocol via this
In this example, the value will be 'https'.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as false.
boolean Default: "False"
xff_alternate_name Xff alternate name

Provide a custom name for the X-Forwarded-For header sent
to the servers.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as X-Forwarded-For.
string Default: "X-Forwarded-For"
xff_enabled Xff enabled

The client's original IP address is inserted into an HTTP
request header sent to the server.
Servers may use this address for logging or other purposes,
rather than Avi's source NAT address used in the Avi to
server IP connection.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as true.
boolean Default: "True"