ALBHealthMonitorSIP (schema)


Advanced load balancer HealthMonitorSIP object
Name Description Type Notes
sip_monitor_transport Sip monitor transport

Specify the transport protocol TCP or UDP, to be used for
SIP health monitor.
The default transport is UDP.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as SIP_UDP_PROTO.
ALBSipMonTransport Default: "SIP_UDP_PROTO"
sip_request_code Sip request code

Specify the SIP request to be sent to the server.
By default, SIP OPTIONS request will be sent.
Enum options - SIP_OPTIONS.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as SIP_OPTIONS.
ALBSipRequestCode Default: "SIP_OPTIONS"
sip_response Sip response

Match for a keyword in the first 2KB of the server header
and body response.
By default, it matches for SIP/2.0.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as SIP/2.0.
string Default: "SIP/2.0"