ALBLdapDirectorySettings (schema)


Advanced load balancer LdapDirectorySettings object
Name Description Type Notes
admin_bind_dn Admin bind dn

LDAP Admin User DN.
Administrator credentials are required to search for users
under user search DN or groups under group search DN.
group_filter Group filter

Group filter is used to identify groups during search.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as (objectClass=(STAR)).
string Default: "(objectClass=*)"
group_member_attribute Group member attribute

LDAP group attribute that identifies each of the group
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as member.
string Default: "member"
group_member_is_full_dn Group member is full dn

Group member entries contain full DNs instead of just user
id attribute values.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as true.
boolean Default: "True"
group_search_dn Group search dn

LDAP group search DN is the root of search for a given
group in the LDAP directory.
Only matching groups present in this LDAP directory
sub-tree will be checked for user membership.
group_search_scope Group search scope

LDAP group search scope defines how deep to search for the
group starting from the group search DN.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as AUTH_LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE.
ALBAuthLdapSearchScope Default: "AUTH_LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE"
ignore_referrals Ignore referrals

During user or group search, ignore searching referrals.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as false.
boolean Default: "False"
password Password

LDAP Admin User Password.
user_attributes User attributes

LDAP user attributes to fetch on a successful user bind.
array of string
user_id_attribute User id attribute

LDAP user id attribute is the login attribute that uniquely
identifies a single user record.
user_search_dn User search dn

LDAP user search DN is the root of search for a given user
in the LDAP directory.
Only user records present in this LDAP directory sub-tree
will be validated.
user_search_scope User search scope

LDAP user search scope defines how deep to search for the
user starting from user search DN.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as AUTH_LDAP_SCOPE_ONE.
ALBAuthLdapSearchScope Default: "AUTH_LDAP_SCOPE_ONE"