ALBWafRuleGroup (schema)


Advanced load balancer WafRuleGroup object
Name Description Type Notes
enable Enable

Enable or disable WAF Rule Group.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as true.
boolean Default: "True"
exclude_list Exclude list

Exclude list for the WAF rule group.
The fields in the exclude list entry are logically and'ed
to deduce the exclusion criteria.
If there are multiple excludelist entries, it will be
'logical or' of them.
Maximum of 64 items allowed.
array of ALBWafExcludeListEntry
index Index

Number of index.
integer Required
name Name

Name of the object.
string Required
rules Rules

Rules as per Modsec language.
Maximum of 1024 items allowed.
array of ALBWafRule