BgpGracefulRestartTimer (schema)

BGP Graceful Restart Timers

Configuration field to hold BGP restart timers
Name Description Type Notes
restart_timer BGP Graceful Restart Timer

Maximum time taken (in seconds) for a BGP session to be established after a restart.
This can be used to speed up routing convergence by its peer in case the BGP speaker
does not come back up after a restart. If the session is not re-established within this
timer, the receiving speaker will delete all the stale routes from that peer.
integer Minimum: 1
Maximum: 3600
Default: "180"
stale_route_timer BGP Stale Route Timer

Maximum time (in seconds) before stale routes are removed from the
RIB (Routing Information Base) when BGP restarts.
integer Minimum: 1
Maximum: 3600
Default: "600"