BgpNeighborStatus (schema)

Name Description Type Notes
address_families Address families of BGP neighbor

Address families of BGP neighbor
array of BgpAddressFamily Readonly
announced_capabilities BGP capabilities sent to BGP neighbor. array of string Readonly
connection_drop_count Count of connection drop integer Readonly
connection_state Current state of the BGP session. string Readonly
established_connection_count Count of connections established integer Readonly
graceful_restart Graceful restart flag

Current state of graceful restart where
graceful_restart = true indicates graceful restart is enabled and
graceful_restart = false indicates graceful restart is disabled.
This is deprecated field, use graceful_restart_mode instead.
boolean Deprecated
graceful_restart_mode Graceful restart mode

Current state of graceful restart of BGP neighbor. Possible
values are -
1. GR_AND_HELPER - Graceful restart with Helper
2. HELPER_ONLY - Helper only
3. DISABLE - Disabled
string Readonly
hold_time Time in ms to wait for HELLO from BGP peer. If a HELLO packet is not seen from BGP Peer withing hold_time then BGP neighbor will be marked as down. integer Readonly
keep_alive_interval Time in ms to wait for HELLO packet from BGP peer integer Readonly
local_port TCP port number of Local BGP connection integer Readonly
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 65535
lr_component_id Logical router component(Service Router/Distributed Router) id string Required
messages_received Count of messages received from the neighbor integer Readonly
messages_sent Count of messages sent to the neighbor integer Readonly
negotiated_capability BGP capabilities negotiated with BGP neighbor. array of string Readonly
neighbor_address The IP of the BGP neighbor IPAddress Readonly
neighbor_router_id Router ID of the BGP neighbor. IPAddress Readonly
remote_as_number AS number of the BGP neighbor string Readonly
remote_port TCP port number of remote BGP Connection integer Readonly
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 65535
remote_site Remote site

Remote site details.
ResourceReference Readonly
source_address The Ip address of logical port IPAddress Readonly
time_since_established Time(in seconds) since connection was established. integer Readonly
total_in_prefix_count Count of in prefixes

Sum of in prefixes counts across all address families.
integer Readonly
total_out_prefix_count Count of out prefixes

Sum of out prefixes counts across all address families.
integer Readonly
transport_node Transport node id and name ResourceReference Readonly
type BGP neighbor type

BGP neighbor type
string Readonly