DnsAnswer (schema)

Answer of dns nslookup

The response for DNS nslookup.
Name Description Type Notes
answers The answers of the query.

The answers of the query.
array of DnsQueryAnswer Minimum items: 1
Maximum items: 256
authoritative_answers Authoritative answers

Authotitative answers of the query.
This is a deprecated property, please use 'answers' instead.
array of DnsQueryAnswer Deprecated
Minimum items: 1
Maximum items: 256
dns_server DNS server information

Dns server ip address and port, format is "ip address#port".
string Required
edge_node_id Edge node id

ID of the edge node that performed the query.
string Required
non_authoritative_answers Non authoritative answers

Non-authotitative answers of the query.
This is a deprecated property, please use 'answers' instead.
array of DnsQueryAnswer Deprecated
Minimum items: 1
Maximum items: 256
raw_answer Raw message returned from the DNS forwarder

It can be NXDOMAIN or error message which is not consisted of
authoritative_answer or non_authoritative_answer.
source_ip The source ip used in this lookup

The source ip used in this lookup.
IPv4Address Required