EdgeClusterMemberAllocationProfile (schema)

Name Description Type Notes
allocation_pool Edge Cluster Member Allocation Pool for logical router

Logical router allocation can be tracked for specific services and
services may have their own hard limits and allocation sizes. For
example load balancer pool should be specified if load balancer
service will be attached to logical router.
(Abstract type: pass one of the following concrete types)
allocation_type Resource allocation type

Allocation type is used to specify the mode used to allocate the LR.
This is populated only for TIER1 logical router and for TIER0 this
will be null.
string Readonly
enable_standby_relocation Flag to enable standby service router relocation

Flag to enable the auto-relocation of standby service router running
on edge cluster and node associated with the logical router. Only
dynamically allocated tier1 logical routers are considered for the
boolean Default: "False"