IPSecVPNPolicyRule (schema)

IPSec VPN policy rules

For policy-based IPsec VPNs, a security policy specifies as its action the VPN tunnel to be used for transit traffic that meets the policy's match criteria.
Name Description Type Notes
_links References related to this resource

The server will populate this field when returing the resource. Ignored on PUT and POST.
array of ResourceLink Readonly
_owner Owner of this resource OwnerResourceLink Readonly
_revision Generation of this resource config

The _revision property describes the current revision of the resource. To prevent clients from overwriting each other's changes, PUT operations must include the current _revision of the resource, which clients should obtain by issuing a GET operation. If the _revision provided in a PUT request is missing or stale, the operation will be rejected.
_schema Schema for this resource string Readonly
_self Link to this resource SelfResourceLink Readonly
action Action to be applied

PROTECT - Protect rules are defined per policy based
IPSec VPN session.
BYPASS - Bypass rules are defined per IPSec VPN
service and affects all policy based IPSec VPN sessions.
Bypass rules are prioritized over protect rules.
string Readonly
Default: "PROTECT"
description Description of this resource string Maximum length: 1024
destinations Destination list

List of peer subnets.
array of IPSecVPNPolicySubnet Maximum items: 128
display_name Identifier to use when displaying entity in logs or GUI

Defaults to ID if not set
string Maximum length: 255
enabled Enabled flag

A flag to enable/disable the policy rule.
boolean Default: "True"
id Unique policy id

Unique policy id.
logged Logging flag

A flag to enable/disable the logging for the policy rule.
boolean Default: "False"
resource_type Must be set to the value IPSecVPNPolicyRule string
sources Source list

List of local subnets.
array of IPSecVPNPolicySubnet Maximum items: 128