IPSecVPNTunnelTrafficStatistics (schema)

IPSec VPN tunnel traffic statistics

IPSec VPN tunnel traffic statistics.
Name Description Type Notes
bytes_in Bytes in

Total number of incoming bytes on inbound Security association (SA).
integer Readonly
bytes_out Bytes out

Total number of outgoing bytes on outbound Security association (SA).
integer Readonly
decryption_failures Decryption failures

Total number of packets dropped due to decryption failures.
integer Readonly
dropped_packets_in Dropped incoming packets

Total number of incoming packets dropped on inbound security association.
integer Readonly
dropped_packets_out Dropped outgoing packets

Total number of outgoing packets dropped on outbound security association.
integer Readonly
encryption_failures Encryption failures

Total number of packets dropped because of failure in encryption.
integer Readonly
integrity_failures Integrity failures

Total number of packets dropped due to integrity failures.
integer Readonly
local_subnet Local subnet

Local subnet to which a tunnel belongs.
string Readonly
nomatching_policy_errors Nomatching Policy errors

Number of packets dropped because of no matching policy is available.
integer Readonly
packets_in Packets in

Total number of incoming packets on inbound Security association (SA).
integer Readonly
packets_out Packets out

Total number of outgoing packets on outbound Security association (SA).
integer Readonly
packets_receive_other_error Packets receive other error

Total number of incoming packets dropped on inbound Security association (SA)(misc).
integer Readonly
packets_sent_other_error Packets sent other error

Total number of packets dropped while sending for any reason.
integer Readonly
peer_subnet Peer subnet

Peer subnet to which a tunnel belongs.
string Readonly
policy_id Policy Identifier

Policy UUID of IPSec Tunnel.
string Readonly
replay_errors Replay errors

Total number of packets dropped due to replay check on that Security association (SA).
integer Readonly
sa_mismatch_errors_in Security association (SA) mismatch errors on incoming packets

Totoal number of security association (SA) mismatch errors on incoming packets.
integer Readonly
sa_mismatch_errors_out Security association (SA) mismatch errors on outgoing packets

Totoal number of security association (SA) mismatch errors on outgoing packets.
integer Readonly
seq_number_overflow_error Sequence number overflow error

Total number of packets dropped while sending due to overflow in sequence number.
integer Readonly
tunnel_down_reason Tunnel down reason

Gives the detailed reason about the tunnel when it is down. If tunnel is UP tunnel down reason will be empty.
string Readonly
tunnel_status Tunnel Status

Specifies the status of tunnel. If all the SA (Security association) are negotiated then tunnels status will be UP. If negotiation fails for the SAs status will be DOWN, if SAs are in negotiating phase tunnels status will be NEGOTIATING.
string Readonly