L2VPNSessionStatisticsNsxT (schema)

L2VPN session statistics

L2VPN session statistics gives session status and traffic statistics per segment.
Name Description Type Notes
alarm Alarm Information Details

Alarm information details.
PolicyRuntimeAlarm Readonly
display_name Display name

Display name of l2vpn session.
string Readonly
enforcement_point_path Enforcement point Path

Policy Path referencing the enforcement point where the info is fetched.
string Readonly
resource_type Must be set to the value L2VPNSessionStatisticsNsxT string Required
Enum: L2VPNSessionStatisticsNsxT
tap_traffic_counters Tunnel port traffic counters

Tunnel port traffic counters.
array of L2VPNTapStatistics Readonly
traffic_statistics_per_segment Traffic statistics per segment

Traffic statistics per segment.
array of L2VPNTrafficStatisticsPerSegment Readonly