L4PortSetNSService (schema)

An NSService element that represents TCP or UDP protocol

L4PortSet can be specified in comma separated notation of parts. Parts of a
L4PortSet includes single integer or range of port in hyphen notation.
Example of a PortSet: "22, 33-70, 44".
Name Description Type Notes
destination_ports Destination ports

Number of values should not exceed 15, ranges count as 2 values.
array of PortElement Maximum items: 15
l4_protocol string Required
Enum: TCP, UDP
resource_type Must be set to the value L4PortSetNSService string Required
Enum: EtherTypeNSService, IPProtocolNSService, IGMPTypeNSService, ICMPTypeNSService, ALGTypeNSService, L4PortSetNSService
source_ports Source ports

Number of values should not exceed 15, ranges count as 2 values.
array of PortElement Maximum items: 15