LbHttpRequestUriCondition (schema)

Condition to match URIs of HTTP request messages

This condition is used to match URIs(Uniform Resource Identifier) of HTTP
request messages. The URI field can be specified as a regular expression.
If an HTTP request message is requesting an URI which matches specified
regular expression, it matches the condition.
The syntax of whole URI looks like this:
This condition matches only the path part of entire URI.
When match_type field is specified as REGEX, the uri field is used as a
regular expression to match URI path of HTTP requests. For example, to
match any URI that has "/image/" or "/images/", uri field can be specified
as: "/image[s]?/".
Named capturing groups can be used in the uri field to capture substrings
of matched URIs and store them in variables for use in LbRuleAction. For
example, specify uri field as:
If the URI path is /articles/news/2017/06/xyz.html, then substring "2017"
is captured in variable year, "06" is captured in variable month, and
"xyz.html" is captured in variable article. These variables can then
be used in an LbRuleAction field which supports variables, such as uri
field of LbHttpRequestUriRewriteAction. For example, set the uri field
of LbHttpRequestUriRewriteAction as:
Then the URI path /articles/news/2017/06/xyz.html is rewritten to:
Name Description Type Notes
case_sensitive A case sensitive flag for URI comparing

If true, case is significant when comparing URI.
boolean Default: "True"
inverse A flag to indicate whether reverse the match result of this condition boolean Default: "False"
match_type Match type of URI LbRuleMatchType Default: "REGEX"
type Must be set to the value LbHttpRequestUriCondition LbRuleConditionType Required
uri A string used to identify resource string Required