LbHttpRequestUriRewriteAction (schema)

Action to rewrite HTTP request URIs.

This action is used to rewrite URIs in matched HTTP request messages.
Specify the uri and uri_arguments fields in this condition to rewrite the
matched HTTP request message's URI and URI arguments to the new values.
Full URI scheme of HTTP messages have following syntax:
The uri field of this action is used to rewrite the /path part in above
scheme. And the uri_arguments field is used to rewrite the query part.
Captured variables and built-in variables can be used in the uri and
uri_arguments fields.
Check the example in LbRuleAction to see how to use variables in this
Name Description Type Notes
type Must be set to the value LbHttpRequestUriRewriteAction LbRuleActionType Required
uri URI of HTTP request string Required
uri_arguments URI arguments

Query string of URI, typically contains key value pairs, for example: