LbHttpSslCondition (schema)

Condition to match SSL handshake and SSL connection

This condition is used to match SSL handshake and SSL connection at
all phases.If multiple properties are configured, the rule is considered
a match when all the configured properties are matched.
Name Description Type Notes
client_certificate_issuer_dn The issuer DN match condition of the client certificate

The issuer DN match condition of the client certificate for an
established SSL connection
client_certificate_subject_dn The subject DN match condition of the client certificate

The subject DN match condition of the client certificate for an
established SSL connection
client_supported_ssl_ciphers Cipher list which supported by client array of SslCipher
inverse A flag to indicate whether reverse the match result of this condition boolean Default: "False"
session_reused The type of SSL session reused LbSslSessionReusedType Default: "IGNORE"
type Must be set to the value LbHttpSslCondition LbRuleConditionType Required
used_protocol Protocol of an established SSL connection SslProtocol
used_ssl_cipher Cipher used for an established SSL connection SslCipher