LbVariableCondition (schema)

Condition to match IP header fields

This condition is used to match variable's name and value at all
phases. The variables could be captured from REGEX or assigned by
LbVariableAssignmentAction or system embedded variable. Varialbe_name
and variable_value should be matched at the same time.
Name Description Type Notes
case_sensitive A case sensitive flag for variable value comparing

If true, case is significant when comparing variable value.
boolean Default: "True"
inverse A flag to indicate whether reverse the match result of this condition boolean Default: "False"
match_type Match type of variable value LbRuleMatchType Default: "REGEX"
type Must be set to the value LbVariableCondition LbRuleConditionType Required
variable_name Name of the variable to be matched string Required
variable_value Value of variable to be matched string Required