MacLearningSpec (schema)

MAC learning configuration

Name Description Type Notes
aging_time Aging time in sec for learned MAC address int Readonly
Default: "600"
enabled Allowing source MAC address learning boolean Required
limit The maximum number of MAC addresses that can be learned on this port

This property specifies the limit on the maximum number of MAC
addresses that can be learned on a port. It is consumed by vswitch
kernel module on the hypervisor while learning MACs per port for
VMs that are local to the host.
int Minimum: 0
Maximum: 4096
Default: "4096"
limit_policy The policy after MAC Limit is exceeded string Enum: ALLOW, DROP
Default: "ALLOW"
remote_overlay_mac_limit The maximum number of MAC addresses learned on an overlay Logical Switch

This property specifies the limit on the maximum number of MACs
learned for a remote Virtual Machine's MAC to vtep binding per
overlay logical switch.
int Minimum: 2048
Maximum: 8192
Default: "2048"
unicast_flooding_allowed Allowing flooding for unlearned MAC for ingress traffic boolean Default: "True"