NsxTDNSForwarderStatistics (schema)

Statistics counters of the DNS forwarder

The current statistics counters of the DNS forwarder including cache usages
and query numbers per forwarders, on an NSX-T type of enforcement point.
Name Description Type Notes
cached_entries The total number of cached entries integer Readonly
conditional_forwarder_statistics The statistics of conditional forwarder zones array of NsxTDNSForwarderZoneStatistics Readonly
Minimum items: 0
Maximum items: 5
configured_cache_size The configured cache size, in kb integer Readonly
default_forwarder_statistics The statistics of default forwarder zone NsxTDNSForwarderZoneStatistics Readonly
enforcement_point_path Enforcement point path

Policy path referencing the enforcement point from where the statistics are fetched.
string Readonly
queries_answered_locally The total number of queries answered from local cache integer Readonly
queries_forwarded The total number of forwarded DNS queries integer Readonly
resource_type Must be set to the value NsxTDNSForwarderStatistics string Required
Enum: NsxTDNSForwarderStatistics
timestamp Time stamp of the current statistics, in ms EpochMsTimestamp Readonly
total_queries The total number of received DNS queries integer Readonly
used_cache_statistics The statistics of used cache array of NsxTPerNodeUsedCacheStatistics Readonly
Minimum items: 0
Maximum items: 2