RouteMapSequenceSet (schema)

Name Description Type Notes
as_path_prepend As Path Prepending to influence path selection string
community Set normal BGP community

Set normal BGP community either well-known community name or
community value in aa:nn(2byte:2byte) format.
large_community Set large BGP community

Set large BGP community, community value shoud be in aa:bb:nn format where aa, bb, nn are unsigned integers with range [1-4294967295].
local_preference Local preference number

Local preference indicates the degree of preference for one BGP route
over other BGP routes. The path/route with highest local preference
value is preferred/selected. If local preference value is not specified
then it will be considered as 100 by default.
integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 4294967295
multi_exit_discriminator Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 4294967295
prefer_global_v6_next_hop Prefer global v6 next hop over local next hop

For incoming and import route_maps on receiving both v6 global
and v6 link-local address for the route, prefer to use the global
address as the next hop. By default, it prefers the link-local next hop.
boolean Default: "False"
weight Weight used to select certain path int Minimum: 0
Maximum: 65535