Tier0VrfConfig (schema)

Tier-0 vrf configuration

Tier-0 vrf configuration.
Name Description Type Notes
evpn_l2_vni_config VRF configurations required for EVPN service in ROUTE_SERVER mode.

It is required for VRF to participate in the EVPN service in ROUTE_SERVER
evpn_transit_vni L3 VNI associated with the VRF for overlay traffic

L3 VNI associated with the VRF for overlay traffic of ethernet virtual
private network (EVPN). It must be unique and available from the VNI
pool defined for EVPN service. It is required for VRF to participate
in the EVPN service in INLINE mode.
route_distinguisher Route distinguisher

Route distinguisher with format in IPAddress: or ASN:.
route_targets Route targets

Route targets.
array of VrfRouteTargets Minimum items: 1
Maximum items: 1
tier0_path Tier0 path

Default tier0 path. Cannot be modified after realization.
string Required