TnNodeStackSpanStatus (schema)

List all L3PortMirrorSession TN nodes mirror stack health status

List all the TNs spaned in L3PortMirrorSession mirror stack health status.
Name Description Type Notes
dedicated_stack_status Mirror stack health status

Show the dedicated mirror stack health status, if the TN node has the mirror
stack, it will show SUCCESS or it will show FAILED.
MirrorStackStatusType Required
detail give detail info and reason about the vmknic and statck status

Give the detail info for mirror stack and vmknic health status.
If the stack or vmknic is FAILED, detail info will tell user reason
why the stauts is FAILED. So that user can correct their configuration.
string Required
last_updated_time last updated time of TN node stack status

TN miror stack status will be updated periodically, this item
indicates the lastest timestamp of TN node stack status is updated.
EpochMsTimestamp Required
tn_node_id TN node ID that configured L3PortMirrorSession mirror stack

For L3PortMirrorSession configured mirror stack, show the TN node UUID
which spaned in L3PortMirrorSession.
tn_node_name TN node name that configured L3SPAN mirror stack

For L3PortMirrorSession configured mirror stack, show the TN node friendly
name which spaned in L3PortMirrorSession.
string Required
vmknic_status Mirror vmknic status

Show the vmknic health status, if the vmknic has been bouned to mirror
stack, it will show SUCCESS or it will show FAILED.
MirrorStackStatusType Required