Annotation Interface EnableEviction.EvictionPolicy

Enclosing class:

public static @interface EnableEviction.EvictionPolicy
Definition for a specific Eviction policy that can be applied to 1 or more Regions. An Eviction policy defines the maximum (a.k.a. threshold) along with ObjectSizer used to size Region entry values and the action applied when Region entries are to be evicted. Additionally, the Eviction policy defines the algorithm used (eviction based on entry count, JVM Heap percentage or system memory size used) to determine when an Eviction should occur.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Action to take on an Region entry when evicted.
    Threshold applied for entry count Eviction.
    Name of a Spring bean of type ObjectSizer defined in the Spring application context used to size Region entry values.
    Names of all the Regions in which this Eviction policy will be applied.
    Eviction algorithm used during Eviction.
  • Element Details

    • action

      Action to take on an Region entry when evicted. Defaults to EvictionActionType.LOCAL_DESTROY.
      See Also:
    • maximum

      int maximum
      Threshold applied for entry count Eviction. Defaults to EvictionAttributes.DEFAULT_ENTRIES_MAXIMUM
    • objectSizerName

      String objectSizerName
      Name of a Spring bean of type ObjectSizer defined in the Spring application context used to size Region entry values. Defaults to empty.
      See Also:
      • ObjectSizer
    • regionNames

      String[] regionNames
      Names of all the Regions in which this Eviction policy will be applied. Defaults to empty.
    • type

      Eviction algorithm used during Eviction. Defaults to EvictionPolicyType.ENTRY_COUNT.
      See Also: