Annotation Interface OnMember

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(TYPE) public @interface OnMember
Annotation to declare an interface as a GemFire OnMember Function Execution
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The GemFire Group to which the members must belong to target the Function execution.
    The bean name of the POJO interface defining the GemFire Function executions.
    Optional ResultCollector bean reference.
  • Element Details

    • id

      String id
      The bean name of the POJO interface defining the GemFire Function executions.
      the bean name (id) of the POJO interface defining the GemFire Function executions.
    • groups

      String groups
      The GemFire Group to which the members must belong to target the Function execution.
      the name of the GemFire Group to which the members must belong for the targeted the Function execution.
    • resultCollector

      String resultCollector
      Optional ResultCollector bean reference.
      an optional bean name of the ResultCollector to process the Function results.