Add-EsxSoftwareDepot [-DepotUrl] <String[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]Related Commands
Detailed Description
Adds an ESX software depot or offline depot ZIP file to the current PowerCLI session. Use this cmdlet right after you start Image Builder by adding the Image Builder snap-in. The cmdlet imports metadata from the specified depots. You can then create new image profiles and generate ISOs from the image profiles and VIBs in the depots. The metadata from the depots is kept in memory until the PowerCLI session ends. When you run the cmdlet, Image Builder downloads and parses the metadata from the depot and analyzes the VIBs for dependencies.Parameters
Return Type
---------- Example 1 ----------
Connect to a depot.
---------- Example 2 ----------
$depot = Add-EsxSoftwareDepot
Connect to a depot, saving it to a variable.