New-DeployRule [-Name] <String> -Pattern <String[]> -Item <VIObjectCore[]> [<CommonParameters>]^MRelated Commands
Add-DeployRuleDetailed Description
Creates a new rule with the specified items and patterns. The items specify what should be associated with an ESXi host and the patterns specify which ESXi hosts the rule applies to. A rule on its own does not affect anything. The rule must first be added to the working rule se t in order to place it in context with the other rules in the system. Since multiple rules can match a single host, the rule set is used to rank the rules. Items in higher ranking rules are preferred over items in lower ranking rules. Only one item of a particular type will be associated with the host. For example, if two rules in a rule set have host profiles, only the profile in the higher ranking rule will be used. Alternatively, if one rule has a host profile and the other rule has an image profile, both rules will have an affect.^MParameters
Return Type
-------------- Example 1 --------------
C:\PS> $rule = New-DeployRule -Name "defaultFolder" -Item "NewHosts" -AllHosts
Create a rule that places all hosts in the folder named "NewHosts".
-------------- Example 2 --------------
C:\PS> $img = Get-ESXImageProfile -Name "My ESXi 5.0" C:\PS> $rule = New-DeployRule -Name "testrule" -Item $img -Pattern "vendor=Acme","vendor==VMware, Inc.","ipv4="
Create a rule that assigns the image profile named "My ESXi 5.0" to hosts that match a set of vendors and are in a particular IPv4 range.
-------------- Example 3 --------------
C:\PS> $img = Get-ScriptBundle -Name "myscriptbundle" C:\PS> $rule = New-DeployRule -Name "testrule" -Item $img -Pattern "vendor=Acme","vendor==VMware, Inc.","ipv4="
Create a rule that assigns the scriptbundle named "myscriptbundle" to hosts that match a set of vendors and are in a particular IPv4 range.