PowerCLI Reference

vSphere Imagebuilder Reference




New-EsxImageProfile -NewProfile [-Name] <String> [-Vendor] <String> -SoftwarePackage <SoftwarePackage[]> [-AcceptanceLevel <AcceptanceLevels>] [-Description <String>] [-ReadOnly] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
New-EsxImageProfile -CloneProfile <ImageProfile> [-Name] <String> [-Vendor] <String> -SoftwarePackage <SoftwarePackage[]> [-AcceptanceLevel <AcceptanceLevels>] [-Description <String>] [-ReadOnly] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]

Related Commands

Detailed Description

Creates an image profile on the client machine, either by cloning or from scratch. Image Bulder performs the complete set of image profile validation tests on the new image profile and displays all errors found during validation. You pass the new image profile into the Set-EsxImageProfile, Export-EsxImageProfile, Add-EsxSoftwarePackage, and Remove-EsxSoftwarePackage cmdlets in the -ImageProfile parameter as follows:

*Use the image profile name, as specified in the -Name parameter.
*Pipe the output of New-EsxImageProfile to the commandlet.

The resulting image profile will be preserved for the current session only. To preserve an image profile across sessions, use the Export-EsxImageProfile cmdlet. The created image profile does not have to be assigned to a variable; it is preserved in memory automatically and will be listed with the Get-EsxImageProfile cmdlet.

Specify either -NewProfile or -CloneProfile, but not both.

If you want to edit an image profile published in a depot, you must clone the image profile before you edit it. When you clone an image profile, specify a Name parameter for the clone.


NameTypeDescriptionRequired?Pipeline InputDefault Value
NameString(prompt) A short string that together with Creator uniquely describes the profile. Required to create a profile.truefalse
VendorString(prompt) A short string describing the organization that created the profile. Required to create a profile.truefalse
AcceptanceLevelAcceptanceLevelsOptional. Specifies the minimum acceptance level required for VIBs in the image profile. Defaults to "PartnerSupported".

Must be one of the following values:




CloneProfileImageProfileSpecifies an image profile to clone from. Takes one of the following forms:

*Name of an image profile, as displayed in the Name column of Get-EsxImageProfile, or from the Name property of any ImageProfile object

*An ImageProfile object

You must specify a -Name parameter that differs from the name of the original you create the clone from. You can also specify the -Vendor parameter to change the Vendor field of the clone.
truetrue (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
DescriptionStringOptional. A long string describing the contents or purpose of the image profile.falsefalse
NewProfileSwitchParameterSpecify -NewProfile to create a new profile (as opposed to cloning an existing one.truefalse
ReadOnlySwitchParameterOptional. Makes the image profile read only. If you make an image profile read only when you create it, you cannot make it modifyable later.falsefalse
SoftwarePackageSoftwarePackage[](Pipeline input) One or more VIB software packages that the image profile should contain. Required to create a profile.

The value can take one of the following forms:

*Name of a VIB, as displayed in the Name column of Get-EsxSoftwarePackage, or in the Name property of any SoftwarePackage object. Image Builder selects the highest available version of the named package.

*"<Name> <Version>", for adding a specific version of a VIB named Name to the image profile.

*A SoftwarePackage object

*The GUID of the VIB (from the Guid property of a SoftwarePackage)

*A list containing a mix of any of the above elements

You must include one of the "esx-base" packages to create a valid image profile.

When cloning a profile, any VIBs you specify in this field replace the previous profile's SoftwarePackages field. Pipeline input is allowed when creating a new profile.
truetrue (ByValue, ByPropertyName)

Return Type



---------- Example 1 ----------

New-EsxImageProfile -CloneProfile "ESX-5.0-234567-standard" \
-Name "My custom profile" -AcceptanceLevel CommunitySupported

Clone an image profile, give it a new name, and change the acceptance level. (NOTE: The '\' is used to continue the second line of input; either press ENTER after \ or enter everything on one line without the '\').

---------- Example 2 ----------

$ip = New-EsxImageProfile -NewProfile -Name "Built from scratch!" -Vendor "NotVmware" \
-SoftwarePackage esx-base,esx-tboot,native-misc-drivers

Create an image profile from scratch, assigning the result to a variable. Software packages are specified by name.

---------- Example 3 ----------

Get-EsxSoftwarePackage -Name esx-base,esx-tboot,native-misc-drivers |  \
New-EsxImageProfile -NewProfile -Name "Built from scratch!" -Vendor "NotVmware"

Create an image profile from scratch, passing in software packages via pipeline

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