Update-Entity [-Server <VIServer[]>] -Entity <InventoryItem> -Baseline <Baseline[]> [-ExcludePatch <Patch[]>] [-GuestCreateSnapshot [<Boolean>]] [-GuestKeepSnapshotHours <Int32>] [-GuestTakeMemoryDump [<Boolean>]] [-GuestSnapshotName <String>] [-GuestSnapshotDescription <String>] [-HostRetryDelaySeconds <Int32>] [-HostNumberOfRetries <Int32>] [-HostFailureAction <HostRemediationFailureAction>] [-HostPreRemediationPowerAction <HostPreRemediationPowerAction>] [-HostDisableMediaDevices [<Boolean>]] [-HostIgnoreThirdPartyDrivers [<Boolean>]] [-HostEnablePXEbootHostPatching [<Boolean>]] [-ClusterDisableDistributedPowerManagement [<Boolean>]] [-ClusterDisableHighAvailability [<Boolean>]] [-ClusterDisableFaultTolerance [<Boolean>]] [-ClusterEnableParallelRemediation [<Boolean>]] [-RunAsync] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]Related Commands
Online versionDetailed Description
This cmdlet remediates an inventory object against the specified baselines. If RunAsync is set, returns a task that can be used to monitor the remediation progress. You can remediate Template, VirtualMachine, VMHost, Cluster, Datacenter, Folder, and VApp objects.Parameters
Return Type
VMware.VimAutomation.Types.Task[] or null If RunAsync is set, the return value is a Task object representing the remediation task on the vSphere server. If RunAsync is not set, no value is returned.Notes
-------------- Example 1 --------------
Update-Entity -Baseline $baseline -Entity $vmhost -RunAsync -Confirm $false
Remediates a host in asynchronous mode.
-------------- Example 2 --------------
Update-Entity -Baseline $vmHardwareUpgradeBaseline -Entity $vm -GuestCreateSnapshot:$true
Upgrades a virtual machine with the latest virtual hardware. If the upgrade fails, the command creates a snapshot of the target virtual machine.
-------------- Example 3 --------------
Update-Entity -Baseline $baseline -Entity $cluster -ClusterDisableDistributedPowerManagement:$true -ClusterDisableFaultTolerance:$true -ClusterDisableHighAvailability:$true
Remediates a cluster with DPM, HA, and FT that are enabled and need to be disabled during the remediation process.
-------------- Example 4 --------------
Update-Entity -Baseline $baseline -Entity $cluster -ClusterEnableParallelRemediation:$true
Remediates a cluster in parallel mode. All hosts in the cluster are remediated simultaneously and that saves time.
-------------- Example 5 --------------
Update-Entity -Baseline $baseline -Entity $vmhost -HostIgnoreThirdPartyDrivers:$true
Remediates a host with preinstalled third-party drivers, which prevent host from upgrade.