This example shows how to assign a tag to ClusterComputeResource.

Assign a Tag to a Cluster

use Com::Vmware::Cis::Tagging::TagAssociation;
use Com::Vmware::Vapi::Std::DynamicID;

# Use vSphere SDK for Perl to find cluster MORef.
my $cluster_view = Vim::find_entity_view(
                   view_type => 'ClusterComputeReource',
                   filter => { name => $my_cluster_name } );

# Convert MORef to dynamic ID.
my $moref = $cluster_view{'mo_ref'};
my $dynamic_id = new Com::Vmware::Vapi::Std::DynamicID();

# Attach tag ID to dynamic ID of target.
my $association_stub = $my_stub_factory->create_stub(
                       'service_name' => 'Com::Vmware::Cis::Tagging::Association',
                       'stub_config'  => $my_stub_config);
$association_stub.attach($my_tag_id, $dynamic_id);