vCloud Suite client applications communicate with services on the Platform Services Controller and vCenter Server components of the virtual environment. vCenter Server can be deployed with an embedded or external Platform Services Controller.

vCenter Server and Platform Services Controller reside on the same virtual machine or physical server. This deployment is most suitable for small environments such as development or test beds.

A client application must first connect to the Lookup Service on the Platform Services Controller and retrieve the vCenter Single Sign-On Service endpoint and the vCloud Suite Endpoint. The application can access services on the vCenter Server instance through the vCloud Suite Endpoint in an authenticated session or by providing as SAML token in each request.

vCenter Server with Embedded Platform Services Controller
vCenter Server with embedded Platform Services Controller

vCenter Server and Platform Services Controller are deployed on separate virtual machines or physical servers. The Platform Services Controller can be shared across several vCenter Server instances. For larger deployments, more than one Platform Services Controller can exist as infrastructure data is replicated across all Platform Services Controller instances.

A client application functions in a similar way as in a Platform Services Controller with embedded vCenter Server deployment. The only difference is that the client application can access services on multiple vCenter Server instances, or services only on a particular vCenter Server instance.

vCenter Server with External Platform Services Controller
vCenter Server with external Platform Services Controller