This example shows how to copy library item files to the client system, using an HTTP transfer.

This example uses the steps that are described in the Download Files to a Local System from a Library Item procedure.

use Com::Vmware::Content::Library::Item;
use Com::Vmware::Content::Library::Item::Downloadsession;
use Data::GUID;
use File::Fetch;

# 1 - Create a new download session model.
my $download_session_model = new
my $download_session_stub = new
my $idem_token = Data::GUID->guid_string;
my $download_session_id =
   $download_session_stub->create(create_spec  => $download_session_model,
                                  client_token => $idem_token);

# 2 - Access the File service and retrieve the files you want to export.
my $download_session_file_stub = new
my @file_infos = $download_session_file_stub->list($download_session_id);
foreach my $info (@file_infos) {
  my $info_name = $info->get_name();

# 3 - Wait until the file is in the prepared state before downloading.
  my $download_info =
  sleep 30 until $download_info->get_status ==

# 4 - Download the file with an HTTP GET request.
  my $uri = $download_info->get_download_endpoint();
  my $ff = File::Fetch->new(uri => $uri);
  my $file = $ff->fetch(to => '/tmp');
  print "\nDownloaded $file.";

# 5 - Delete the download session after all files are downloaded.
}  # foreach $info
print "\n\nCompleted download session $download_session_id.\n"