This example provides a common pattern for filtering Lookup Service registration data. This example is based on the code in the sample file. The file is located in the following vCloud Suite SDK for Python directory: client/samples/src/com/vmware/vcloud/suite/sample/common/

This example uses the steps that are described in the Retrieve a vCenter Server ID by Using the Lookup Service procedure.

def get_mgmt_node_id(node_instance_name) :

   # 1 - List the vCenter Server instances.
   mgmt_node_infos = lookup_service_infos(prod='com.vmware.cis',
                                          proto='vmomi', ep_type='com.vmware.vim',

   # 2 - Find the matching node name and save the ID.
   for node in mgmt_node_infos :
     for attribute in node.serviceAttributes :
       if attribute.key == 'com.vmware.vim.vcenter.instanceName' :
         if attribute.value == node_instance_name :
           return node.nodeId